Many agencies market life insurance on children as a way to pay for college. Are you wondering if this is a good idea? Can you really use life insurance as a college savings plan? We’ve heard this question over and over again, and we wanted to give the numbers and let you decide for yourself.…Read More
Give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and give to those who are not These words come to my mind, every time I look at St. Jude Children Research Hospital calendar. When I was going through, I couldn’t help but noticed that nearly half of the children photographed had some form of leukemia.…Read More
For many, having children and family is the true meaning of life. However, please take a moment and ask yourself: “Should something happen to me today, will my family have enough funds to survive?” It is an unpleasant thought; we understand that, but an important one. At One Stop Life Insurance, we are truly passionate…Read More
Pregnancy is one of the most memorable experiences in a woman’s life. It is scary, exciting, uncomfortable and wonderful all at the same time. However, there are times when for one reason or another, the baby arrives before it is full term. This can lead to many health complications for the baby and mom. This…Read More
Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels. It is one of the most common genetic disorders in the United States. Therefore, we felt the need to provide parents with options when it comes to life insurance on children with Down syndrome. In this post, we will go over why it is…Read More
Life insurance is one of those things that you know you need, yet again you put off getting. Sometimes, we understand the value of securing coverage, but our loved ones don’t. At One Stop Life Insurance, we have many clients ask us the same question: “Can I buy life insurance on my boyfriend?” The answer…Read More
Life is very busy. There is no question about that. The life of a single parent is beyond busy, it is often crazy. In a 24 hour span, you need to find time for kids, school activities, play dates, work, housework, sleep and the occasional “me time”. Single parents, you are heroes, and you are…Read More
Having a child on the spectrum could be challenging. Partly, due to the unknown and not being able to predict what the future holds. We believe that many parents share the same fear: “What will happen to my child? Would he be independent and what would his life be once I am gone?” At One…Read More
There many reasons one might choose adoption, but the end result is the same: fulfill families’ lives. It is an exciting, emotional and sometimes even challenging process. The adoption itself can be a lengthy affair, involving many steps and procedures that need to be followed. In this post, we would like to discuss life insurance…Read More