Cancer is terrifying! There is no question about it: hearing that your child is diagnosed with cancer is one of the worst things that a parent can go through. If you and your family are faced with this horrific diagnose, please reach out to us. At One Stop Life Insurance, we are strong believers in…Read More
Asthma is a widespread condition and it is unfortunate that the registered cases of asthma are on the rise. What makes the matters worse is that more and more children are diagnosed with this illness. Many people have concerns about the cost of insurance due to this condition. At One Stop Life Insurance, we are…Read More
A lot of people think that insuring kids is one of the easiest things in the world. And yes, in many cases it is a simple process. However, when looking for life insurance for children with a pre-existing condition it gets a little more challenging. As a parent, it breaks my heart knowing that a…Read More
There are nearly 500,000 children in the U.S. diagnosed with epilepsy. Seeing your child having a seizure could very well be one of the most terrifying moments in a parent’s life. Fortunately, there are many medications that can control seizures and stop them from recurring. In addition, many children may even outgrow it and not…Read More
If you are interested in exploring your options for life insurance for children, you came to the right place. There are many different selections based on your needs, budget, and health of the child. In this post, we will go over the 3 ways you can secure a policy on a minor. We will also…Read More
Life insurance for kids?!? To some, this may seem unnecessary or even a waste of money, but I am here to tell you that you need to take a second look at the topic. As a parent, I understand that even the thought of something bad happening to our little ones is daunting. However, when…Read More