Can you get life insurance with drug addiction?
Have you applied for life insurance only to be turned out due to an addition? Or, have you ever wondered what exactly companies are looking for and what is the best option out there for life insurance with drug addiction?
This is exactly what we would go over in this guide. We would outline what information they need, provide sample rates, and discuss options.
Before we take it any further, we would like to point out that this guide applies if you are over 18 years old. We’ve dedicated a separate article on how to obtain life insurance for children with drug addiction.
Also, we have published a separate guide for life insurance with alcohol
Before we start, let’s look at the numbers:

Drug addiction is a growing problem. People are becoming more and more dependent on opioids, prescription drugs, synthetic drugs and etc.
Unfortunately, breaking the cycle could be very difficult. If you or someone else is battling addiction, please know that there is help. There are many health organizations and centers that are geared towards helping people with addiction.
Addiction is a chronic condition, it is not an issue of willpower. It changes the way the brain works, making it very difficult to overcome. Addiction cannot be cured, it is only manageable. Reach out to us if you or a family member is battling addiction and want to know what are your options.
Did you know that in a published study over 21 million people in the US are struggling with addiction?
Young adults aged 18-25:
About one out of every six American young adults (between the ages of 18 and 25) battled a substance use disorder in 2014, NSDUH This represents the highest percentage out of any age group at 16.3 percent.
Heroin addiction among young adults between 18 and 25 years old has doubled in the past 10 years,(….)
Over age 25:
Approximately 14.5 million adults aged 26 or older struggled with a substance use disorder in 2014, NSUDH
With that being said, you are not alone!
So what information will companies need to determine options for life insurance with drug addiction:
Every company has its own questionnaire that they would need to be completed when underwriting your application for life insurance. However, typically they would need to know:
- History of Condition:
• Type of drugs used by the client?
• Amount?
• Frequency of use?
• How long the client has been clean?
• Any relapses?
• History of a drug overdose? - Treatment:
• Rehab program?
• In/outpatient?
• Duration of stay? - Related Issues:
• Use or abuse of alcohol?
• Suffer from depression?
• Stable job and home life?
• Any other medical problems?
• Traffic violations or legal problems caused by drug use?
There are medications often prescribed as a part of a treatment plan for opioid or alcohol addiction. We need to point out that not every drug is treated the same and ompanies pay close attention to medications like Suboxone, Subutex, Naloxone, Naltrexone or Buprenorphine. Suboxone is a commonly prescribed medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone.
Good news:
We were able to get approval for a client with the current use of Suboxone. While the policy is rated as a

Keep in mind that not every case could be approved. There are many case-specific factors carriers are looking for when making a determination to offer coverage.
Another type of drug that falls into a separate category is Marijuana
Recreational Marijuana is now fully legal in about 11 states across the US for recreational and medical use. Life insurance carriers are acknowledging the shift and are approving coverage with disclosed Marijuana use. Companies could approve you for the policy without even taking a medical exam (reach out to us to ask how).
Things to consider:
Not all carriers treat Marijuana the same. While most carriers would approve a policy with Marijuana use, they would offer tobacco rates. This makes the policy a bit more expensive. There are also insurance companies that could also over Non-tobacco rates with current marijuana use.
Life insurance for current drug use or within the past
Past use:
Carriers are looking for no drug use or treatment for addiction in 5 years back. That means that if you had just completed your treatment, it may be best to postpone your application for traditional life insurance or look into different options. Companies would like to see stability and control of the condition. In many instances, we can apply a personalized letter to the underwriter along with your application. Every story and every case is different. Sometimes there is more to an application and situation listed in the medical records.
Current use:
If you or friend or family member is currently using drugs, there would be only 1 available option: Guaranteed issue life insurance policy or an accidental coverage.
What is a guaranteed issue life policy is how does it work? We’ve dedicated an entire article about this type of policy. In a nutshell, it is a type of insurance that would not ask a single health or lifestyle question. Everyone is covered.
The biggest downside is how this policy is structured for the first 2 years. Please reach out to and we would ensure that the product is available in your state.
In conclusion:
The options you have to secure life insurance with drug addiction vary based on whether you are currently using, what type of drugs, how long since past usage and overall health. Please reach out to us by sending us a message or completing the quote form on this page. We are looking forward to working with you on finding you the best possible coverage for you.
Thank you
Debbie preece
I am a hero in addict and have been for 18 years. Surprisingly I am in good health. I have five children and two grandchildren and am looking for a life insurance policy. I live in UK and don't know where to look.
Thank you in advance
One Stop Life Insurance
Hi Debbie,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Your options are a guaranteed issue policy and supplement with accidental death insurance for additional coverage. However, you need to be in the US to qualify for life insurance. In addition, you need to be a permanent resident or a US citizen to secure a policy. Unfortunately, these products are not available to foreign nationals.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you need additional information:
Zhaneta Gechev
Kiasa Porter
Who could I speak to regarding life insurance for my spouse that's on suboxone?
Hello. I was just denied life insurance because I am currently taking suboxone. I have carpal tunnel and instead of taking pain medication I take this and ibuprofen. I have it used painpills for over 5 years. I don’t even smoke marijuana. Really would like coverage considering I have family. Thanks.
One Stop Life Insurance
Hi Moe,
Thank you very much for reaching out.
I need to ask you some additional questions in order to evaluate your options. Please reach out to me directly.
Thank you,
Zhaneta Gechev
Direct 702-342-8727
Abie Vigil
I take the same for my pain in my wrist how can I get covered. Been denied because of the use of sub.
One Stop Life Insurance
Hi Abie,
Thank you for reaching out! I sent you an email.
Thank you,
Zhaneta Gechev
I had gastric bypass in 2007. It caused alot of issues and as the end result I was sent to pain management as I have chronic stomach pains where I have contractions several times a day. I was denied insurance because of the meds I am on. I have never used drugs and I will be 40 next month. Only the drugs I take for pain. I have never smoked, drank or anything else. I do not think it's fair that they see my meds and automatically ASSUME I may have been an addict or abused drugs without even asking questions.
One Stop Life Insurance
Hi Shona,
Thank you for reaching out and I apologize for the late response.
I sent you an email with some additional information I need in order to truly evaluate your options.
Zhaneta Gechev
Leslie Boone
I’d like to find out information about Life insurance for my Husband, who’s been denied due to medication. If you could contact me I could give you more details. Thank you.
One Stop Life Insurance
Hi Leslie,
I sent you an email with the additional information I need to review his options.
Thank you for reaching out,
Zhaneta Gechev
Thelma S Torres
im trying to find life insurance for my 38 year old son hes an addict im so scared every day for him he OD a few times He is using the Saboxen i dont know if its working for him I need to speak with someone in regard to this to see how i can get life Insurance for him I cant afford a funeral if that was ever to happen Please help
Thelma Torres
One Stop Life Insurance
Hello Ms. Torres,
Thank you for reaching out.
Please reach out to me directly and we can discuss the options for your son. My contact information is below.
Zhaneta Gechev
Direct 702-342-8727
Amanda R
Hello. I have been clean from heroin for about 7 years BUT I had a relapse on a weekend about 4 years ago (maybe 3 and a half) and I had an overdose and I was hospitalized and I was worried the police that came with the ambulance would assign a DCFS worker to me so I placed my children in care and went to a partial hospitalization program for a month. Pretty sure that's all in my medical records because I got a rate on 20 year term policy 250K that went from $30 to $130 even though I was upfront about it.
My question is what insurance can I get while I wait for the next year and a half to have this relapse/od out of the 5 years period. I'm really struggling. Other than my one slip-up in 7 years, I've been totally clean and productive. I don't even drink. I was prescribed adderall in high school and in my early 20s. I had to get off of it when I was pregnant with my first child (7 years ago as well) and I never looked back to that either. I just don't want to be paying these rates for 20 years. I could pay them for 2 or maybe 5?
Jodie M
Hi , I have been denied life insurance due to my prescription history . I need help getting coverage . Thank you .
One Stop Life Insurance
Hi Jodie,
Thank you for reaching out. I sent you an email. I would need some additional information to evaluate your options.